
Democratizing deep learning

Deep learning for embedded face recognition

In this article we present an approach on how to deploy the performance of state of the art deep learning CNN structures in an embedded device for the application of face recognition. The approach based on heterogeneous computing usage of CPU and GPU, provides a fast and low power solution that has the accuracy of a large VGG network thus making deep learning deployable in any embedded device.

Bild: ©Frank Bostonn/ Bild: Irida Labs
Bild 1 | Modern approaches based on deep neural network architectures are currently the state-of-the-art into learning efficient face representations.

Besides the recent advances in image classification and retrieval, face recognition in-the-wild still remains a challenging task. This is due to the presence of significant variations in pose, illumination, inaccuracies in face detection and occlusions.

Bild: Irida LabsBild: Irida Labs
Bild 2 | Multilayer CNN network commonly used in deep learning approaches.

Classical methods attempt to address these conditions by composing predefined functions on data, a procedure known as hand-crafted feature extraction. These methods can operate moderate in several scenarios, exhibit poor generalization performance. Today, Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), are incorporating end-to-end learnable modules able to achieve robust feature representations. However, CNN based approaches developed by technology giants like Google, Baidu or others often require large amounts of data for training and are computationally intensive during evaluation, which makes them impractical or even prohibitive for embedded or time-critical applications. Driven by the application scenario and hardware platform, our novel system copes with these limitations by transferring the knowledge in terms of accuracy from large CNN networks into smaller ones able to operate in embedded and low-power platforms. In this work, we present Irida Labs approach for face recognition for videos and still images, running on embedded and low power mobile devices or cameras. Traditionally, face recognition aims to represent an input face image as a vector that will be used for recognition. Modern approaches based on deep neural network architectures are currently the state-of-the-art into learning efficient face representations, but when considered for embedded platforms they pose several major challenges, which we address here.

Irida Labs S.A.

Dieser Artikel erschien in inVISION 3 2017 - 06.06.17.
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