The Smart Factory Web (SFW) is an open and secure software platform that enables the design and set-up of sustainable and resilient industrial eco-systems. The SFW may be instantiated as an open marketplace for industrial production including their supply chains, as a research platform for AI-based negotiation in marketplaces or as a testbed technology to validate and demonstrate the technologies of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) according to the specifications of the Platform Industrie 4.0, the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) and the International Data Spaces (IDS).
In its form as an enabler for marketplaces it appears as a web-based platform where factories can offer production capabilities and share
resources. This will enable them to improve order fulfillment with greater flexibility than is currently possible with available technology. The Smart Factory Web seeks to provide the technical basis for new business models, especially for small lot sizes, by flexibly assigning production resources across factory locations.
Smart Factory Web (SFW)